Thursday, August 05, 1999

Day 6: Clinton, OK - Amarillo, TX


Hi Y'all. Chris & I arrived in Amarillo late this afternoon after driving from Clinton, OK. Sadly, we had to say good-bye to the Elvis room,

Across the road from our motel was the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum. It is only a couple of years old, and follows the development and use of the road from the 20's through 70's when it was finally decommissioned. It was really well done and had lots of great old signs, photos, and old cars there. We spent almost an hour there, much to Chris' dismay....he doesn't like museums. After leaving there, we finished following the rest of the Oklahoma route. In Elk City, about 20 miles past Clinton is another Route 66 museum called the "National Route 66 Museum" Chris was sleeping by this time, so I went through it on my own. It was nearly as nice as the OKLAHOMA museum in Clinton.

At the Oklahoma-Texas border there is a ghost town, called Texola. Lots of old abandoned buildings. Took more pictures. Chris is getting tired of my photography. Tough.

As we drove into the Texas panhandle we noticed the land beginning to change. It got gradually flatter, and all of a sudden we realized trees.....just miles and miles of prairie.......

We drove through a couple of torrential downpours. No tornadoes though. I told Chris that I could outrun one if we saw it.

Tonight we're staying at the Big Texan Motel. We ate at the Big Texan Steak Ranch....absolutely great food. They have a deal where if you eat an entire 72 oz steak in an hour or less along with all the trimmings, ie salad, potato, etc. We passed on that deal and just got "normal" size steaks.

This motel has a pool shaped like the state of Texas. We're going to go swimming a little later.
Right now we're watching Lethal Weapon 4 on HBO. It's pretty good.

Tomorrow we pass the 1/2 way point in Vega, Texas.....and then on to New Mexico!

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